Frequently Asked Questions

Below are some questions and answers that may prove helpful to you when considering video for your project!

Q: What stages of production are required to make a video?

A: Video production takes a number of stages to complete, and each stage is required to ensure the video is produced to the clients expectations on time and on budget.
The stages are:

  • Planning: meeting with the client to discuss the project or brief after the quote has been accepted to determine the scope.

  • Scripting: visual, narrative, text and graphics to gain a clear understanding and lock in the aesthetic vision

  • Pre-production: arrangement of locations, permissions, booking gear, or booking crew

  • Production: shooting on location

  • Post-production: here is when we begin organising files, importing, and cutting the files into the script concept.
    For reference, usually 1 minute of standard edited video will take 5 hours. More complex requirements take longer.

  • 1st draft: editing of the ‘base layer’ of the video in the order in which the content will appear

  • 2nd draft: hearing the feedback from the client and begin editing with client changes like scene replacement, different cuts, agreed upon graphics placement, music and titles

  • Final edit: We take the client changes and begin the final steps to master colour treatments, audio, graphics or any other elements before exporting.

  • Web optimisation: compression and export of the final production to the agreed upon formats and dimensions for the intended purpose.

Q: What is “Pre-Production”?

A: Pre-Production is the term used to describe all of the steps that come before shooting a film. The larger the film, the lengthier the time required to complete the steps outlined above. Pre-production costs depend on the size of the production, such as if venues need to be hired, if permissions need to be acquired for a fee, or for the hiring of certain props or gear for the production, as well as how much time it will take.

Q: There’s a few things on the quote you’ve sent us that we don’t understand, like a Sound Recordist.

A: There are usually a large number of tasks and duties to be done on a typical production, and so you can trust there’ll never be anything added to the quote that isn’t deemed necessary by me. If you informed me you would like live recorded audio, then circumstances may call for a sound recordist to be on set to make sure we can deliver the highest quality audio for your project.

Q: Why do you have multiple sign-off stages, and why are there additional fees to make revisions after these stages are complete?

A: I deliver content in 3 stages:

  1. The 1st draft is the ‘order’ draft. Here, I’ll outline the narrative order of the video as well as audio. The client is encouraged to make as many changes to the 1st draft as they like. Once these changes are made, I edit the 2nd draft where the client is encouraged to approve the instructions from the changes they have made, and make more changes if required.

  2. The 2nd draft is the ‘base’ draft. Once all the changes are approved, we go into final draft. This 2nd stage takes the longest time to produce as we master the content for final delivery. Mastering includes all audio and video mastering.

  3. The final is just that; the final. We accommodate minor changes, but any major revisions are required to go back to 2nd draft stage and repeat the process, which is why it would incur additional fees.

Q: Why is video usually so expensive?

Quite simply: the hours, the expensive equipment, and the expertise involved. It really is so similar to any profession - you wouldn’t find yourself hiring a mechanic to fix your expensive car that’s working from his garage with one toolbox and 3 months experience, charging $100 to fix a $1,000 job.
You’d want someone who knows what they’re doing.

We’ve seen clients come looking for help because they booked a more low-budget option, but weren't happy with the results. We'd prefer to get it right first time and make you a great video that you can use forever, we know time is valuable.

Q: I have my own idea for video, do I tell you about it or do you come up with the concept?

Great! We love to get to know you and the passion behind your concept first, you can do that by asking to schedule in a time to talk on the phone or email, or just send us a brief for your project if you have one set up already!

Q: What is a “brief” and do I need one?

A brief is a simple document that has as much helpful information on it as possible for the filmmakers to use. We recommend creating a brief yourself, as it will better convey to us your design preferences and give us a better insight into your business.
If you don’t know where to start, we provide a simple brief document on our website here that you can fill out and submit to make it easier.

Q: I’m new to video, what are some of the best ways to use video now?

Not just sales and marketing! We specialise in branding, informing your audience about what’s important to you and why you run your business at all. Many businesses don’t know how to employ video to work for them, and that’s why we encourage you to get in contact and we can go over the multitude of uses for a well-crafted video.

Q: Who owns the copyright to the video produced?

Some production companies will try to squeeze every little penny out of you by limiting your copyright. I don’t.
As soon as the work is created and paid for in full, you own the copyright on the delivered product.
The only thing I retain is the ability to share the work via my portfolio and promote it.
There are a few elements that do differ depending on the desired usage for your film: for example, if a video advertisement was intended for Television broadcast, then all music used would incur additional licensing fees. The entirety of the terms and conditions are stated in the contract I send after we have discussed your project, and before we commence production steps.

Q: What if the project ends up costing us more than what we were originally quoted?

The best way in which I can ensure this doesn’t occur is if I get as much information from you as possible in the early stages, which is why I have supplied a ‘build your own brief’ document here to assist. Then we would need to stick as closely to the production schedule and the post-production steps that we’ve outlined to ensure we remain within the quoted amount. Upon negotiation I do offer a single-figure amount which will guarantee no rises in cost.

Q: We know what kind of video we want, how do we find out a reasonable cost for that?

Great! A perfect way to start would be to show us some example videos of a similar style, that way I can show you videos that are similar and the precise cost it would’ve taken to produce it to better understand how you can make your budget go as far as possible.

Q: I have a question that isn’t answered here?

I’m all for the client being informed! You can send your questions through the form below.